My Speech

Kia ora koutou

my class and I had to show our goals for next year. Because we are going to be the next leaders of Tautoro school. And no we have to follow in this year 8’s footsteps and show that we are capable enough to show our juniors.

Here is my speech
Kia ora koutou. Ko is Waimirirangi Talosaga Bavou Stowers Toku Ingoa. My biggest goal for next year is to play more sports. and to be better at Math. I have enjoyed my time with my friends and teachers beside me, supporting me and making good choices in my life.

I want to thank Whaea Gaylene for always helping me when I am stuck and need help understanding the work that I am doing. And for lifting me in sports even though I haven’t played that much this year.

Matua Matt, I know you were my teacher a long time ago but I will always hold the knowledge you taught me and carry it on to my college years.

Whaea Mary, I love it when you hurt your fingers to play the Guitar just for us and you always push through until the end. and always telling the girls to push and sing so we can be louder than before.

Miss Simeon The principal of this kura. I am always grateful for what you do for this Kura and for supporting our ups and downs. and for 

And thank you my friends for being beside me this year and encouraging me to reach my goals, and letting nothing get in my way.  encouraging me to reach my goals, and encouraging me to do something I don’t want to. even though some of you guys are leaving this Year you guys will always be in my heart.

Ko au te waka, ko te waka ko au

I am the waka ,and the waka is me


Kia ora koutou
This week we have been learning kupu which is opposite of each other. we had to do the opposite thing of the kupu. and we had to put in the kupu and translate it into English but I only did it on the last slide. but on the first slide, it says This snail is slow and the possum is fast. it’s just the opposite of each other.

Here is  my Tuhituhi:)

by Waimirirangi Stowers

Panui Post

Kia ora

every Monday we have to read a Maori book. we had to read the book, and then we had to put the words we didn’t know and make sentences in Te Reo Maori. Then we had to make a video of us reading the book. And write a reflection on what this book is about. we have to be in our group and help each other.

Here is my Panui post:)

Nga by Waimirirangi Stowers

Fractions to Decimals

WALT: Converting Fractions to Decimals.

Kia ora koutou this week we have been Converting Fractions to decimals for maths. We have had a releaving teacher for the past week so when Whaea Annie taught us this strategy. It was a bit weird because we were so used to the way Whaea Gaylene teaches us, so it was difficult for me to understand this strategy at first because of how used I am to Whaea Gaylene’s method.

Firstly when using this strategy we have to either devide or times. For example, 7/10 = 7 ÷ 10 = 0.7, is easy. But when doing mixed fractions you have to remember the whole in 4, 7/10 will be a whole number. For example

1 2/3= 1 + 2 x 1/3

= 1 + 2 x o,333

= 1 + 0.666

= 1.666

Here is my mahi

Franctions to Decimals by Waimirirangi Stowers


Kia ora koutou
Today we have a new Maori book called Taupupuni. First, we all went into our groups. then we had to read the book and some of us had to translate it into English. We had to put up a video of us reading the book.

The Easy Thing: The easy thing was putting everything together.

Here is a little presentation of my Panui 🙂

Panui by Waimirirangi Stowers

Math Whizz

This Morning we had to do Math-Whizz and focus on the topic we had to do to get progression and get more Gems.

The thing I am focusing on is pencil and paper Multiplication and division it is effortless to do and you will understand it more.

Here is a little presentation of my Math-Whizz


Divisibility rule by Waimirirangi Stowers

Kia ora, Koutou

My class was split into 3 groups of 7. we had to make a movie on our own. one of the movies were A day as a hore Maori

Ki-o-ra-hi Dream. and our movie was called Facing fears. and here you can watch the movie and what scene i liked

Here is a Presentation

Movie by Waimirirangi Stowers


Kia ora koutou

This week for Tuhituhi we have to rank all of those animals from our panui book. like who is the fastest? who is the slowest. who is the biggest and who is the smallest

What I found easy: everything was easy to do and stuff

Here is a little Presentation

Tuhituhi by Waimirirangi Stowers


Kia ora Kautou
This week for Panui we have to read a Maori book every week we have three groups kiwi, pukeko, and kakapo in every group we have to read a book but each group has their own book to read, and translate Maori to English. and we have to make a panui presentation.

This is me reading the Panui book by Waimirirangi Stowers

How to convert decimals to fraciton

Kia ora Kautou

This week for maths we have been learning how to convert decimals to fractions. There are a couple of things that we have to remember to be successful at this mahi.

Firstly you have to know the value of the decimals. we have to know and understand ‘nested place value’. And there are so many tenths, Hundredths, and Thousand in any given number.

secondly. we have to know our Factors or what number goes into both divisors when going into the numerator and denominator to simplify that fraction in a fraction for example 15/50 can be simplified. The number 5 is a factor of both. we divide 15 by 5 and 50 by 5. This gives us a fraction of 3/10.

Opinion: This week’s mahi was a little bit hard but I got used to it the hardest thing was the Thousandths but you will get it if you keep doing it and you will understand it better too.


Please see my Video sample of me showing my strategy for how to make a decimal into a fraction

Decimals to Fractions by Waimirirangi Stowers